Tuesday 21 April 2015


When next you want to make use of insecticides, please keep these in mind:

• Practicing INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT can significantly reduce the amount of insecticides needed to control many insect problems.

• Using more than one insecticide product in the same location can increase or decrease each one's effectiveness. It may also result in a greater risk to health and/or the environment.

• Broad-spectrum insecticides are effective against all insects, even the good ones. Other insecticides target certain insects. Using a targeted insecticide minimizes the risk to beneficial or non-target insects.
• Some insecticides work immediately to kill insects while others may need some time to take effect.

• Insect growth regulators like pyriproxyfen and methoprene do not kill insects; they make it impossible for exposed insects to molt (grow) or lay eggs properly.

• Insecticidal baits can be used instead of spraying large areas, especially for social insects like ants. This can decrease the risk of exposure, but remember to place baits where children and pets won't have access.

It is best advised that you reduce your use of insecticides. And if you must use, follow the safety and application instructions on the packaging label of insecticides to prevent bad effects to yourself and the environment.

Read INSECTICIDE AND YOUR HEALTH to see the health hazards caused by insecticides.


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