Tuesday 28 April 2015

Castle Rock Headache Sufferers Find Relief Through Chiropractic Care

By Bertulda Zerna

The tension headache is experienced frequently and by many people. It is when they become chronic that they should be considered a serious health problem. As a prominent Castle Rock chiropractor would readily agree, it is time to stop allowing them to impact your life.

Causes include sitting in the same position all day at work. This is especially true of those who work on computers. A stressful time in your life may cause one, as can playing video games for hours. The pain often starts at the back of your head and gradually encircles the entire head.

The good news is that these are not a sign of a more serious condition in most cases. However, allow a thorough evaluation with your chiropractor determine that. When that is complete, a care plan can be arranged to alleviate the pain.

An in-depth discussion will detail the duration and frequency of your headaches. It is possible to avoid actions that seem to have triggered them in the past. They might be severe enough to make the jaw and scalp hurt. There may be a kind of cause and effect with neurotransmitters in the brain.

Perhaps the most severe of all headaches is the migraine. These are intense enough to be disabling. All the individual can do is sit quietly and wait for it to be over. Often the sufferer will also have nausea and vomiting.

The evaluation includes an x-ray to detect any spinal subluxations. It is thought they might cause or contribute to migraines. Some foods and beverages may contribute to the severity of the pain.

After the evaluation is concluded, the chiropractor will recommend the appropriate care plan for you. It may include massaging the shoulders and neck. Spinal adjustments are used when there is a misalignment.

Spinal adjustments are applied in a series of office visits. Massage will be done at the same time if included. Each individual responds at his or her own pace. Over time your pain will be alleviated. Possibly, future migraines might be prevented.

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