Thursday 2 April 2015

Do Essential Oils For Sleep Work In Treating Insomnia

By Ryan Foster

From struggling to fall asleep to the inability to stay sleeping for a healthy duration, insomnia is a problem that manifests itself in various ways. Fortunately, there are various aromatherapy treatments which are more effective to conventional medication, most of which carries side effects of some sort. Such include essential oils for sleep which are highly effective in promoting relaxation before one goes to bed, thus enabling them overcome insomnia.

Lavender is an oil known for its relaxing attributes, and has been tested widely for its ability to correct sleeping issues. It's predominantly made up of esters and alcohols that have a number of therapeutic properties. True lavender is the most widely used of all the varieties because it has the most potent sedating capability.

A little lavender in a footbath works wonders in promoting blood flow, not to mention the activation of process in the autonomic nervous system that are linked to relaxation. Experts suggest blending it with some carrier oil before administering it prior to bedtime. Other application techniques include rubbing down the temples or neck, or even splashing one or two drops over your pillow.

Known for its sweet, relaxing herby scent, Roman chamomile is an essential oil that has several sedative and relaxing attributes. Because of its scent, it has been used widely in treating insomnia in young children. Other applications include reducing anxiety and doing away with nightmares by eliminating hysteria.

How Roman chamomile works to cure anxiety and insomnia isn't fully understood yet, although some believe that it functions via psychology. It has successfully been used in meditative therapy, where it reportedly allows people express their true, natural emotions. To use it, you can slather several drops over a suitable area before bedtime.

Although bergamot oil isn't widely recognized, it works effectively in reducing stress and anxiety for people with mild depression. One could choose between applying it topically, diffusing it, using as a deodorant or incorporating it into their food or water. Because bergamot is sensitive to direct sunlight, it shouldn't be applied on skin if one is going outdoors in less than 24 hours after application.

Because essential oils aren't tightly regulated, one needs to be careful when shopping. You should only go for pure, unadulterated products that carry the botanical name and region of origin. Beware of fragrances and perfumes; synthetic oils don't possess the same therapeutic effects as the natural ones. It would also help to experiment with different methods of application to know which works best for you. People with sensitive skin should dilute the products using carrier oils to avoid irritation and infection.

Essential oils are highly effective in helping people relax and sleep better. That said, it would help to ensure that there are no underlying causes that may be creating anxiety and stress. It's also recommended that one follows the safety directives issued by the manufacturer.

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