Tuesday 9 May 2017

How To Choose A Weight Loss Hypnotherapist

By Anita Ortega

In the modern world millions are spent every year on diet products. Yet for all their ubiquity obesity is a problem that is increasing globally year on year. There are numerous explanations for this. One that you may not have considered is your mental approach and this is where a weight loss hypnotherapist may help.

In simple terms your fitness goals are not solely based on what you do physically. It is often the mental approach that can have an effect too. For example you may stop off at a coffee shop for a coffee and doughnut because that is part of your daily routine. This helps you to relax because you condition your mind to prepare for this part of your day.

However there is nothing to stop you having that relaxing moment in your day with something healthier. Part of the role of a hypnotherapist is to look at the reasons behind your behaviour. Once this has been established it then becomes easier to find ways of removing that association and replacing those habits with better ones.

The problem is that this inevitably results in people trying to use shortcuts. A lot of diets tell people that there are certain foods that they are not allowed to eat or that they have to starve themselves for a certain time. Inevitably this deprivation can have a number of negative effects.

The first is that if a food becomes forbidden it inevitably becomes more attractive. Therefore when the goal has been achieved dieters often put on weight. Often this will result them gaining more than when they first started as they overcompensate for the period they did not eat.

The key to hypnotherapy is to get someone to confront negative behaviour and replace it with positive behaviour. The good thing about this is that the innate human desire for routine can be used in a positive as well as negative way.

What a professional hypnotherapist will do is get their patient to remove certain associations. For example they may often turn to cakes because they remember their mother baking them and making it for them when they felt sad. Therefore there is a subconscious association that this comfort food is linked with that memory. With hypnotherapy it is possible to disassociate the two things and get people to recognise that the cake is only personal to them because they have given the food that symbolic comfort value.

You can find a number of hypnotherapists in the Easchester NY area by using your regular search engine. When looking up a therapist be sure to check their credentials and learn a bit more about their background. It is also recommended that you get feedback from people who have used their services in the past to see whether or not their services offer the best long term results.

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