Thursday 11 May 2017

Help Alleviate Vitamin D Deficiency With Vitamin D3 And Achieve Vibrant Health

By Guy Lobdell

Vitamin D3 deficiency has been found to be very common in the USA, and this is a major cause for concern. If your bones are painful, you are over 50, or you often get colds and flu, the chances are good that you are one of the many who lack this vitamin. Taking Vitamin D3 together with regular probiotic supplements can help you experience improved health and wellbeing.

Nowadays, many foods are claimed to be fortified with Vitamin D. Unfortunately, this is usually the cheaper Vitamin D2 variant, which lacks the benefits and may even be harmful to you. Unless they clearly state Vitamin D3 on the label, you should avoid such products and rather supplement from a reliable source.

You may think you merely need to expose your skin to sunlight for your body to manufacture Vitamin D. This is true, but the sun must be high in the sky (over 50 degrees) for this to happen. In the more northerly latitudes this never happens in winter, and only around midday in summer, so supplementation is advisable.

You may have found you are more susceptible to colds and flu in the winter months. This is when you are most likely to be deficient in this vitamin, and the link is clear. Lowered immunity and SAD are short-term results of a deficiency, while cancer and osteoporosis are long-term complications to be avoided if at all possible.

Other serious diseases associated with lack of Vitamin D3 are various cardiovascular problems and multiple sclerosis. These life-threatening consequences of a deficiency are becoming increasingly common, where they used to be rare. Supplementation is the only reasonable option if you want to avoid these potentially deadly threats to your health.

It is not worth taking chances with your health, when there is such an easy and inexpensive solution available. Supplementing with Vitamin D3 and probiotics will help you avoid many common problems. These supplements should be a regular part of your daily routine.

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