Sunday 20 December 2015

Promote Harmony In Marriages With Help Of A Counselling Psychologist Calgary

By Leslie Ball

Mental problems and life issues can affect the quality of life one leads. If you are experiencing mental problems or life challenges that are affecting the way you live, you would better seek for help from a counselling psychologist Calgary before it is too late. Psychologists handle problems of mental and psychological nature thus helping clients to get out of difficulties they are experiencing.

Some of the life issues resolved by psychologists are relationship challenges, sexual abuse, domestic violence, and bereavement. They also handle mental conditions like psychosis, eating disorders, and post traumatic stress disorder. Anxiety disorders like obsessive-compulsive disorder may cause trouble in patients. Patient have uncontrolled patterns of behaviors.

For example, in obsessive-compulsive disorder, a patient experiences unwanted recurring thoughts or hallucinations and repetitive behaviors. Marriages are affected by issues such as cheating. In order to resolve an issue of cheating, you should be willing to forgive and forget. But this does not happen easily. You might forgive but it will not be easy to forget.

It is more likely that if you have divorced for the first time, when you get into a relationship, you will separate. Communication in relationships does not just imply how you talk and converse. There are many things which should be taken into consideration including the body gestures and expression, tone used in conversations, and the attention. When there is problem with communication, it affects the feeling of the partners.

People make mistakes and no one may claim that he or she is perfect. When mistakes occur, people should be willing to accept them and seek forgiveness. However, some partners in marriages make mistakes and deny committing them thus fueling hatred and misunderstanding. When you accept mistakes and ask to be forgiven, and swear not to repeat the same again, you may find it easier to reconcile than when you stay adamant.

In any marriage, communication is paramount. Relationship communication is different from other forms of communication. If there is no communication, most likely the relationship will not work out. Similarly, if there is no respect and responsibility from all the parties, again that relationship will not last. You may think that divorcing solves relationship problems but that is not always the case.

You need to learn how to persevere in times of difficulties and work out issues together. Cheating is one thing that cripples many marriages. It is one of the most disturbing and painful issues people have to overcome. It is not easy to forgive a partner who has cheated in a relationship. However, if you are willing and prepared to be counselled, you can see some light in the end of the tunnel.

Marriages are faced with many problems some of which cannot be resolved by the partners. A marriage should be full of joy, love, intimacy, care, support, and understanding. However, at times, this does not happen and it leads to never ending wrangles. If you have problems in a marriage, you should seek help of a psychologist to resolve the issue. A number of aspects will affect the health of a marriage. Communication is one thing that causes many troubles in marriages.

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