Tuesday 1 December 2015

Frame Selection Eye Glasses

Selection of eyeglass frames:  Criteria of a proper spectacle frame

First and foremost, the frame must look good on you. No matter how perfectly well designed a frame is, if it does not suit you, it is obviously not for you.

However, to help you choose a frame such that it will be acceptable optically as well aesthetically the following pointers have been enumerated.

(1) If the power is high, do not choose a frame with large apertures. The thickness of the edge of the lens, especially minus lenses mounted in the spectacle aperture, depends upon the lens power and size. Too large a lens will have a thick edge and give many irritating reflections besides looking unsightly.

(2) If the power is high, especially in plus lenses, the glasses will weigh more. Choose a frame which has a comfortable broad nose support zone. A narrow nose support or one with separate nose pads can actually cause pain after some time.

(3) Do be certain that the eyes fit in the center of the frame aperture. If the eyes do not center, when the glasses are made there will be a great deal of optical distortion.

(4) The ear pieces should not dig their way in behind the ear. All good frames have the last 5 mm turning out to prevent a bite and you should be certain to check it.

(5) If a bifocal is to be made, be certain that the frame fits well and has adequate place to be in its proper position.

Your optician is usually the best guide. Most reputed opticians will take the time and effort to explain to you and see that the frame fits well. Spectacles are worn for over 14 hours a day and even minor discomfort can cause a great deal of irritation. Keep plenty of time free when choosing a frame. Try various styles for both optical and cosmetic appearance. Do not let yourself be steamrollered into buying a frame you do not like. Shop around, and if an optician does not spare time, tries to handle three customers at the same time, obviously he is not the optician for you. 

There was a time when all a person who wanted spectacles did, was to go to the corner drug store, and by trial and error, from a ready stock, decide which spectacles suited him best.

As science started advancing, the power was specified exactly but no guidance was given to a wearer on the type of frame he should choose for proper vision. The result often is a perfect prescription, coupled to precision spectacle lenses, fitted in an incorrect frame with a poor setting. The result: a disaster.

The patient then shuttles between the doctor who gave the prescription and the optician who made the lens. Both remain adamant that they are correct, leaving the patient in the lurch.
This section has been particularly written with this in mind. A patient who knows why and how a spectacle frame is fitted, is in a better position to judge his frame and get the service he desires and is entitled to. More often than not minor changes in the setting of the glass or bifocals are all that is required for comfort.

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