Saturday 12 September 2015


According to American Osteopathic Association , the type of hearing loss due to headphone use is typically gradual, cumulative and without obvious warning signs. A hearing test and a medical examination are the only way to truly diagnose hearing damage.

Also, the type of hearing loss caused by over exposure to very loud noise is irreversible, making prevention paramount. Hearing aids and implants can help in amplifying sounds and making it easier to hear, but they are merely compensating for the damaged or nonworking parts of the ear.
               PREVENTION IS BEST

According to Dr. Foy of the American Osteopathic Association, you should only use MP3 devices at levels up to 60% of maximum volume for a total of 60 minutes a day.
The louder the volume, the shorter your duration should be. At maximum volume, you should listen for only about five minutes a day. This, he calls the 60/60 rule.


But...if you must use earphones, here are some tips to help save your ears and you from all the hazards of using earphones could bring:

• Avoid using tiny headphones/earphones that directly go into the ear canals. Better those big headphones, the old ones which stay outside your ears.

 • Avoid sharing your earphones/headphones with others.

• Make sure you change the sponge cover/rubber cover of your head/earphones once a month. If your head/earphones doesn't have sponge covers, make sure you sanitize them.

• Do not use head/earphones when you are traveling by car, train, metro or even walking.

• No loud music ever when you use head/earphones.

All these are for your own health benefits. Be careful. Whether using headphones or earphones, moderation is key.

Trends & Health 

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