Sunday 16 April 2017

Supporting the Veterans Yoga Project!

by Nina

During Veterans Gratitude Week (November 4-13) yoga teachers and studios from communities around the country will be hosting donation-based yoga and meditation classes. One hundred percent of the proceeds will go to Veterans Yoga Project, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization whose mission is to support recovery and resilience among our veterans, families and communities. Veterans Yoga Project provides classes, training, and healing retreats to enhance recovery and strengthen resilience for all veterans and for their families. 

The events held during Veterans Gratitude Week will raise awareness of the issues that many veterans face and allow communities across the country to come together to support in a tangible way, the men and women who protect and serve the rest of us. Estimates of PTSD Among veterans are:  
  • 500,000 Operations Enduring Freedom, Iraqi Freedom & New Dawn Veterans
  • 80,000 Gulf War Veterans
  • 420,000 Vietnam Veterans
This year the goal of the Veterans Yoga Project is to increase their reach from previous years (39 states in 2015, 25 states in 2014) to include all 50 states! There are two ways you can help with this. If you’re a yoga teacher, you can sign up at Sign Up to Teach to teach one donation-based class in your community. Or, if you’d just like to donate to the organization to support these efforts, you can do so directly on the Veterans Yoga Project web site: Donate.

 #VeteransGratitudeWeek And you can also help by spreading the word! Find out more at Veterans Gratitude Week.

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