Tuesday 7 March 2017

Homeopathic Petrol Petroleum!

While initially studying material medica, almost all homeopathic students were startled to see the use of crude rock oil as the medicine. But as we grew old, we came to know about the enormous possibility of homeopathic drug sources. Considered as one of the major polychrests in homeopathy, Petroleum is no doubt a peculiar and interesting drug to study.

Affections of mucus membranes, gastric derangements, and skin problems are considered as the main sphere of action of Petroleum. Being an oil-derivative, its marked action on oil glands need to be studied. But certainly being an important polychrests, the mental symptoms of the drug are the most important ones to differentiate from other similar acting drugs.

Petroleum mind-

- Usually a low-spirited person who fears everything

- He loathes his emotions in such a way that he either wants to run away from them or wants to settle every dispute so fast as if he is short on time.

- Cannot bear contradiction and is irritable over trivia.

- This is especially aggravated if he travels in cars or ships. Emotions gush when in carriages.

- Forgetful and loses his way in street.

- Feels as if he is double (quite a peculiar thing that can be observed in a few patients).

- Confused state of mind with dizziness is the most marked symptom

- The forgetfulness, imagination of people near her or him (that are not present) makes it one of the important remedies for Alzheimer’ disease. In other forms of diseases like typhoid fevers, excessive diarrheas, these mental states make him worry and he fears death. Feels life is too short and he has to finish all his jobs before he leaves the world!

Physical symptoms- Skin symptoms obviously top the list as vesicular yellow crusty eruptions thrown out in bunches. Oozy discharges those smell bad. Skin feels cold in spots is one of the characteristic symptoms of the remedy. Rather coldness in different body parts is peculiar to Petroleum. Affection of mucus membranes with pustular eruptions that ooze yellow watery discharge, are peculiar.

The day time diarrhea is another peculiarity if Petroleum that is better at night while sleeping. After stools, there is hungry feeling. It hurts to eat but he is compelled to eat. Itchy eruptions around private parts that look dirty.

Also think of Petroleum in old cases of occipital headaches where Silica fails and like silica, Petroleum occipital headache is also associated with offensive sweat. Cold sensation in feet with tendency to crack. Cracks are also present in hands that are aggravated in cold weather. Also burning in feet and hands is common in Petroleum, which gets better as summer approaches.

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