Sunday 16 October 2016

STRAWS Save yourself from the strawful experience!!!

Aging is caused by a number of factors; extrinsic, such as environmental factors and exposure to sunlight, and intrinsic factor like the gene. These are things within our consciousness, and of which we are familiar with. Little do we know that an everyday activity of ours actually takes some chunks of beauty away from our faces.

 To everything with an advantage comes its twin, disadvantage. It seems almost an impossible thing to achieve, to separate people from taking their drinks with the thin hollow tube called straw. We have heard frequently from adverts, and even dentists advice the employment of the applauding skill of straws when it comes to the business of sipping our drinks. They tell us, 'it protects the teeth from colouring and
early degradation. Yes! As true as that is, there is also attached, some side effects to too much dependence and over-usage of these straws on daily basis:

 1. Drinking with straw is much like smoking the cigarette:

People with the regular habit of drinking with a straw will eventually have premature aging skin and wrinkles around the mouth. This is caused by 'pursing' the lips while sipping. According to Beauty Myths, dermatologists, Dr. Heather Woolery-Lloyd, founder of Specific Beauty, and Dr. Rebecca Baxt, gives straight information to explain about sipping from a straw.

 "Yes, repeated straw drinking causes people to purse their lips and can create wrinkles from the repetitive muscle motion, much like frowning causes wrinkles on the upper face", Dr. Baxt says. However, Dr. Woolery-Lloyd negates the idea of placing all the blame on drinking straws. "In general, drinking through a straw should not cause wrinkles," she says. "Any repetitive movement (like smoking, some people's pattern of talking and laughing ) can increase the risk of wrinkles."

2. Drinking through a straw bathes your teeth in sugary and acidic liquids:

The truth is that tooth erosion can’t be avoided if you choose to drink sodas and iced teas. However, aiming the straw at the back of your mouth may put your teeth directly in harm’s way by giving them a dangerous bath of phosphoric and citric acids found in soda and flavor additives found in teas. Your teeth will suffer from enamel erosion from consuming inorganic beverages anyway, but the straw puts them right on the spot.

 3. The type of straw you use matters:
There are basically two types of straw common in use; the plastic, and the paper types. It is estimated that billions of plastics straws are used every day all over the world. The environmental cost for this habit is difficult to estimate. Keep in mind that most of these billions of straws come with plastic wraps and are not largely recycled, and this is a means of reducing environmental wastes. More so, it is discovered that the plastic types, apart from causing premature aging of the lips, can also cause some chemical deposits dropping into the drink, which is later sipped into the body system of the drinker. These chemicals could include BPA (Bisphenol A) which is harmful to the body in causing breast cancer, and even poor brain development. This also depends on the type of material used in making the straw. Similar premature aging and chemical effect, have also been discovered to occur with direct drinking from the mouths of plastic bottles.

 It is advised that in our best interest, there should be a reduction, and possibly a limit to the level at which we make use of straws in sipping our drinks.

Her Campus.

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