Friday 16 September 2016

CATT Study Update 12 Status of WorldWide Studies

With the anticipated arrival of the one-year results of the CATT Study this Spring, I thought it would be appropriate to update where the other worldwide studies stand.

During the Retina Subspecialty Day sessions, held prior to the recent 2010 AAO Meeting in Chicago, Daniel Martin, MD provided an update on the various comparative studies underway around the world between Avastin and Lucentis. Here are Dr. Martin’s comments, as reported by the Market Scope team in the November issue of Ophthalmic Market Perspectives.

Daniel Martin, MD, updated comparative studies of Lucentis and Avastin, describing the ongoing clinical trials and noting that results will begin to become available soon. One-year results of the much-awaited CATT study will be available in the spring of 2011.

IVAN, the trial sponsored by the National Health Service in the UK, is similar to CATT but smaller and its recruitment is now complete.

The German study VIBERA is examining a higher dose of Avastin and will be fully enrolled sometime in 2011.

MANTA in Austria began in mid-2008 and is likely to complete enrollment by the end of 2010.

LUCAS, the Norwegian study, uses a treat and extend strategy and is more than halfway enrolled, and France's GEFAL study began in the fall of 2009 and is halfway to its enrollment goal.

For more on full coverage of the 2010 AAO Meeting, please contact Market Scope, for complete subscription information to their monthly Ophthalmic Market Perspectives newsletter.

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