Sunday 21 August 2016

Roger Cole on the Baroreflex!

by Nina

For those of you who aren't familiar with him, Dr. Roger Cole is both a long-time Iyengar yoga teacher and a scientist who studies sleep. In this new video he explains why supported inverted poses are so powerful for quieting the mind and calming the nervous system, and demonstrates how to benefit from the baroreflex. Many years ago I took a workshop from Roger on this same topic, and my thinking about yoga poses has never been the same since!

So now you know why I'm obsessed with supported inverted poses and why I keep writing about them (see All About Supported Inversions and Featured Sequence: Easy Supported Inverted Poses) as well as baroreceptors (see Why You Should Love Your Baroreceptors and More Love for Baroreceptors).  I've never used the term baroreflex before, but I'm going to be in the future that's for sure.

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