Saturday 21 May 2016

Coming Up With Essential Oils Guide

By Nancy Gardner

Even though essential oils are referred to as oils, they are not real ones. They lack fatty acids which are needed for a product to be said to be proper oil. They have been several definitions for oils. One if the definition refers to oil as a plant constituent which highly concentrated and has potent cosmetic and medicinal qualities. Another one refers to these oils as the plant soul and life force. The discussion below offers essential oils guide.

A lot of them have high levels of antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral characteristics. That is why they are a good addition in cleaning solutions made at home. The great ones for use in cleaning include lemon, rosemary, grapefruit, lavender, eucalyptus, tea tree and lavender. It is important to determine their degree of purity. The pure ones should evaporate without leaving behind a ring when placed on a construction paper. If a ring is left on evaporation, then the products contains some impurities.

The size of their molecules is very miniscule. That is why their absorption into the skin is very good. Therefore, many products used for care of the skin contain the oil to soften, nourish and heal the skin. They do not have the tendency to accumulate inside the body. They are quickly metabolized completely and this makes them superior over the other body care products.

Research reports have demonstrated that essential oil derived from rosemary improves the performance of brain. Smelling of the oil has been associated with better memory and high performance in the various tests taken. The smelling of oil extracted from lavender or rosemary also causes a feeling of relaxation.

Essential oils do not mean the same as fragrance oils. The use of terms like perfume, fragrance or fragrance oil means something synthetic. Do not confuse this with essential oil because these ones are natural.

They can not be patented. That is why they are not found in drug stores. For this reason, rarely do medical practitioners include them in their prescriptions to substitute conventional drugs. On the same note, many of the drug companies are not interested in researching about them. This limits the scientific knowledge touching on them and much of the data available concerning them is a result of experimentation and personal use from ancient times.

Very large quantities of plants are needed for production of essential oil. Four thousand pounds of the Bulgarian roses are required for production of just a pound of these oils while to produce the same amount of essential oil from Bulgarian roses one hundred pounds of a plant are needed. Given the concentrations they are supposed to have, many plants will have to be used to realize production of quality products.

Use of these oils in their original concentrations is discouraged. This is because skin reactions may result. They need to be diluted using butter, waxes, alcohol and other measures used in dilution. Nevertheless some are safe to use without possibly diluting them. However, a number of them have been tested and proven to be safe for use without been possibly diluting them. The list includes sandalwood, rose geranium, German chamomile and tea tree. More research is advised to get well informed.

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