Friday 23 October 2015

Many Patients Benefit From Treatments By Richmond Hill Naturopath

By Karina Frost

Anybody who has ever suffered some of the horrendous side-effects of conventional medicine knows that often the medicine makes you sicker than the actual disease for which you take it to get better. A-typical people who are very sensitive to any form of chemicals suffer even worse. This is where naturopathy comes in.

Dr Gabriella Chow, a highly qualified Richmond Hill Naturopath, specializes in safe and effective treatment plans to find and fix the underlying cause of ailments. Dr Chow boasts some of the highest qualifications on record in this holistic form of healing. She works closely with experts in various fields of conventional medicine to find the best and most effective treatment for each individual patient. By combining specialized naturopathic treatments with conventional medical care, many of the harmful side-effects from drugs or surgery are minimized.

Dr Chow is an acclaimed expert in various fields of naturopathic treatments. She penned her vast experience in several books and authentic articles on the subject of holistic healing approaches in the treatment of cancer and other so-called incurable diseases. Where conventional cancer treatment depends on invasive surgery, chemotherapy and radiation to kill the cancer cells, naturopathy aims to restore the body's immune system to fight all diseases, including cancer, in a natural way.

In stark contrast with modern, conventional medicine, naturopathy is based on finding the root/cause of an ailment - often a chemical imbalance or nutrient deficiency - and fixing it, instead of merely treating the symptoms with harmful drugs. Naturopathic medicine has no serious adverse side-effects and is aimed at boosting the body's own healing powers (immune system) to fight germs, bacteria and other harmful invaders. Simultaneously, naturopathic treatments identify deficiencies and imbalances that lead to poor bodily functions.

Naturopathic treatment includes a variety of diagnostic tests to identify the underlying cause of ailments. The most common factors that destroy the body's immune system are nutrient deficiencies due to poor dietary habits, hormonal or chemical imbalances and exposure to hazardous environmental toxins. Dietary and lifestyle changes are mostly part and parcel of the treatment program to restore the body to optimal health.

Naturopathic Medicine is a wide and encompassing study field that includes holistic healing practices such as acupuncture, Chinese medicine, homeopathy, botanical and herbal medicine as well as clinical and diagnostic sciences. Instead of focusing on a specific part of the body and merely treating the indicated symptoms, a naturopath treats the body as a whole and considers all factors that may contribute to the condition. A constant headache can be a sign of a life-threatening condition, or merely caused by an allergy. An accurate diagnosis of the root of a problem is crucial for effective treatment.

Well-qualified and experienced naturopaths have a vast knowledge of so-called alternative healing practices. This includes Chinese medicine, homeopathy, botanical medicine as well as the latest diagnostic sciences and acupuncture. By using a combination of all proven healing techniques, the best and most applicable treatment procedure for each individual patient can be decided.

Naturopathic treatments include dietary and nutritional adjustments as well as lifestyle changes. Many people suffering from common long-term chronic ailments such as allergies, diabetes and obesity find great relief (and cure) in a combination of naturopathic treatments after conventional medicine brought no improvement. Specialized treatments such as acupuncture and scalp acupuncture, herbal medicine and even intravenous therapy are also given with great success by experienced and well-qualified naturopaths such as Dr Chow.

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