Thursday 23 July 2015

Simple Natural Herpes Remedies

By Shizuko Deshaies

If you are currently searching for natural remedies for Herpes Simplex virus, there are a few important things that you should know. There is currently no known cure for this disease. Thus, any treatment that people can use is only guaranteed to suppress the symptoms of the current outbreak. Even in these instances, it is still important to avoid passing the illness on to your sexual partners, however, a good remedy will at least provide relief.

One very effective strategy for reducing the itching that is caused by lesions is to simply clean the are and keep it nice and dry. The lesions will invariably rupture before they start to heal. In order to speed everything up a bit, people should not scratch the affected area or dry it with an abrasive towel.

Using cloths or rough towels on these areas is not recommended. This can cause lesions to start spreading and will even worsen their condition. It is far preferable to dry the affected region with a hair dryer or fan, especially after getting out of the shower or bath.

Another very effective way to shorten the length of an outbreak is by building your immune system up. If you are in good health you will not be susceptible to outbreaks. There are many things that people can do to keep themselves health on a regular basis. One of the most effective strategies is to take supplements like vitamin C, garlic and even echinacea.

Making sure to get plenty of rest each night is important. This will help you to experience mood balance. People who become too stressed out or do not get sufficient sleep tend to experience more outbreaks than others. Some individuals opt to use yoga, meditation and other stress relieving techniques to gain greater peace of mind. Walking around tense and nervous can be very counterproductive when fighting off an outbreak.

You should additionally try to improve your diet by reducing your sugar intake and by limiting white carbohydrates that have been refined. Lots of fresh vegetables and fruits can be very beneficial in terms of boosting your immune functioning. Every type of onion and fresh garlic are also helpful.

There are many natural remedies for Herpes Simplex virus that people can try out. They should always bear in mind, however, that alleviating symptoms is not the same as curing this disease. It is always important to use protection during sexual intercourse in order to avoid passing this on to other people.

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