Wednesday 7 January 2015

An introduction of eye floaters

Appearing as spots and flashes in front of the eye, eye floaters are actually virtual objects. Eye floaters in some people are just a result of natural aging. The vitreous gel inside the eye starts to shrink and thicken progressively in the process of aging. Floaters caused by the changes of vitreous gel then happen naturally and usually appear in clumps or strands in the eye.

In most cases, eye floaters will not cause serious consequences if they are under proper control. This form of eye floaters is harmless and they will fade over time. Some people may be nervous if they are unclear of these objects. Although these floaters will not cause any harm, they should be regularly checked out to make sure that they do not signify a torn retina.

However, severe situations do exist. When the shrinking gel pulls away from the wall of the eye, it can cause the retina to tear. This retinal tearing may lead to a small amount of bleeding in the eye, which is another form of floaters.

In serious cases, retinal detachment may occur caused by a torn retina mentioned before. As a result, eye floaters of this type should be taken seriously. In particular, sudden appearance of eye floaters requires an immediate visit to an eye doctor, because this form of eye floaters can indicate a torn retina at a high rate.

Torn retina caused by vitreous shrinking may force the retina to detach from the back of the eye and floaters are just a symptom of the underlying cause. Other symptoms can be vision loss in any forms. In this consideration, people should always pay enough attention to these signs, especially eye floaters that appear in a sudden way.

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